Senior Management Update
e-therapeutics plc regrets to announce that Karl Keegan will step down from his role as CFO (non-board) to focus in the near term on extremely difficult family circumstances in Ireland.
This will take effect from 31 December 2021. The Company is actively looking for a new CFO, during which time Michael Bretherton, a Non-Executive Director of the Company, will act as interim CFO. The Company will update the market accordingly.
Michael has been a director of seven other AIM quoted companies during the last ten years, including DeepMatter Group Plc, Nanoco Group Plc, Ceres Power Holdings Plc and Tissue Regenix Group Plc. He has a degree in Economics from Leeds University and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. His early career included working as an accountant and manager with PriceWaterhouse for seven years in London and the Middle East.
We are very saddened that Karl will be leaving e-therapeutics under these circumstances at the end of the year. We are grateful to Karl for his contribution to e-therapeutics and wish him the very best in the future.
Ali Mortazavi
Chief Executive Officer