Results of conditional Fundraise to raise £22.5 million
e-therapeutics plc announces, further to the announcement made by the Company on 13 May 2021 (the "Launch Announcement"), the successful completion of a Placing, Subscription and Retail Offer via PrimaryBid (together the "Fundraise") conditionally raising gross proceeds of £22.5 million for the Company.
In total, 93,750,000 new Ordinary Shares will be issued pursuant to the Fundraise at the Placing Price of 24 pence per new Ordinary Share.
Details of the Fundraise
Pursuant to the Subscription, a total of 8,708,334 Subscription Shares will be issued, raising gross proceeds of £2.09 million.
Pursuant to the Retail Offer, a total of 3,833,333 Retail Shares will be issued, raising gross proceeds of £0.92 million.
The Fundraise (details of which were provided in the Launch Announcement) is conditional on, inter alia, shareholder approval being received at the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company which is expected to be held on or around 16 June 2021. A notice convening the AGM will be announced and posted to shareholders in due course.
An application for Admission of the Placing Shares, Subscription Shares and Retail Shares will be made in due course with such shares expected to be admitted to trading on AIM on or around 17 June 2021, conditional upon shareholder approval at the AGM. The new Ordinary Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the Company's existing Ordinary Shares at that time.
Total Voting Rights
Following the issue of the Placing Shares, Subscription Shares and Retail Shares, the Company will have 514,523,546 Ordinary Shares of 0.1 pence each in issue.
Defined terms in this announcement shall have the same meaning as in the Launch Announcement unless otherwise specified.